Stay Informed
We want you to be an informed consumer and a person who keeps pace with the latest developments on health in our community and around the country.

Bite Study Video
Please watch my Bioesthetic bite study consultation video below. This will give you insight into the possible cause of your problems and show you how aligning your bite can correct them. Everyone’s situation is different, of course, but jaw joint misalignment is the cause of many dental problems and most head and neck pain.
Websites of interest
We have selected these sites as being of interest to our patients and we will add new ones as we find them. We want you to be curious about how you can extend your healthy life and dental wellness.
- Foundation for Bioesthetic Dentistry
- Vermont Boy Scouts
- National Boy Scouts
- Vermont State Dental Society
- American Dental Society
- Green Mountain Club
Upcoming Events
Now and again, Dr. Luttrell will be speaking somewhere or we will be hosting an event in our office. Stay tuned to this spot to learn more about our scheduled events.
Please return to the Contact Us page to make an appointment. We prefer that you phone us during office hours so that we can speak with you in person and make a convenient appointment.